
Looking after yourself is the most important

We all go through times in our life when we get stressed.  We are constantly fed negativity and told we are not worthy.

Negative thoughts enter our brains and we allow them to sit there and fester, making us more stressed to the point where anxiety and depressing kick in.

I'm no doctor and I'm not going to give you advice on how to manage your stress levels, however, I have found that having a hobby is one of the best ways to destress.

For me it is crafting and I make all sorts of things out of pieces of wood and lollypop sticks.  I can print onto mugs and often have done 'photo mugs for family and friends, other than that I do not do anything with the things that I make, its just for me and I find it a really good way of getting myself lost in the flow of it.

I make no apologies for doing this, after all I have to make a living, but if crafting is something you would like to have go at then use the links here, which will take you to Amazon where you can buy all the things you need to start doing your own little crafts.  There are lots of video's on YouTube that you can watch to show you how to complete some of things I have done, and who knows, you may be able to turn it into a little side hustle for yourself.  I will receive a small commission from Amazon (at no extra cost to you) for every sale that is made through these links.

Some of the products I use

These are some of the products I use to create my crafts.

Hot Glue Gun

This is a must for any crafter.  A hot glue gun.  Basically it heats up glue sticks (see other link) so that you can stick all kinds of stuff! (be careful as the glue obviously becomes very hot)

Glue Sticks

Glue sticks come in different sizes and colours.  Make sure you buy the right size for your glue gun.  You can also get glitter glue sticks as well.

Craft Sticks

These are one of the most versatile items you can use in craft making.  I make bird houses and all sorts of trinket boxes.  You can even make light shades.

Wood Blocks

Blocks come in all sizes, you just need to select the size you need for your craft project. 

Wooden Tower Blocks

These are ideal building blocks to use in crafts.  I make pen and notelet block holders from these.


You can buy various embellishments to add to your craft projects.  Lots of wooden, metal and other material based shapes and sizes.